Healthful Massage
Massage with a Purpose

Services and Rates








Investing in your health is a wise decision; a massage is the perfect way. Our booking website provides an extensive range of massage services that can be personalized to suit your individual needs. It's essential to note that every service we provide is crafted to cater to your distinct needs.

Chair Massage$1.00 / 1 minute
Deep Tissue Massage$102.99 / 60 minutes
Hot Stone Therapy$102.99 / 60 minutes
Hot Stone Therapy$154.49 / 90 minutes
Lymph Drainage$102.99 / 60 minutes
Pre-Natal/Pregnancy Massage$102.99 / 60 minutes
Relaxation Massage$51.50 / 30 minutes
Relaxation Massage$102.99 / 60 minutes
Relaxation Massage$154.49 / 90 minutes
Therapeutic Massage$102.99 / 60 minutes
TMJ Massage$50.00 / 30 minutes
Vacuum Cupping$102.99 / 60 minutes